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About Us

16 October 2021 by klrwp

We started trad­ing since 2006 and are at present build­ing our prop­erty data­base to be able to offer as much vari­abil­ity and choice to cus­tomers on their hol­i­day rental properties.

We adver­tise Luxury Vil­las and Apart­ments in Kalkan, Turkey, on behalf of the own­ers and all the enquiries are sent to the own­ers where then they reply and give the infor­ma­tion requested back.

The advan­tage of our busi­ness is that we have been in Kalkan for over 20 years and are very famil­iar with the prop­er­ties and most own­ers. We have an office in Kalkan (Sandal Kalkan ) so that if any prob­lems occur whilst your stay there is always help at hand. We want our cus­tomers to be happy with their choices and enjoy their hol­i­day as much as possible.

Most of our prop­er­ties are of a cer­tain stan­dard where we feel we are offer­ing a high class of choice and we will carry on doing so for as long as we can.

We are very famil­iar with Kalkan and the sur­round­ings and this is where we feel we are able to offer a reli­able and trust­wor­thy service.

KalkanLux​u​ryRentals​.com is a unique Lux­u­ri­ous Rental Prop­er­ties Web Site, where prices are rea­son­able but still offer­ing a choice of lux­u­ri­ous rental.

Remem­ber if you have any kind of ques­tion for us, on prop­er­ties, rentals, adver­tis­ing, book­ings or Kalkan make sure you drop us an email or even con­tact on any of our con­tact number.

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